Second Ultrasound at BVDH
Ultrasounds Services Enhancement Campaign
Project cost: $200,000
The Bulkley Valley District Hospital (BVDH) in Smithers and Wrinch Memorial Hospital (WMH) in Hazelton have shared ultrasound services for many years. Recently, the demand has outstripped the supply. With just two technicians travelling between the two communities, putting in more than an eight hour day and waitlists continuing to grow to their current state of 4 to 5 months for a routine exam and 12 to 18 months for an echocardiogram, it was time to reevaluate how these services are delivered.
An advance hire from the College of New Caledonia Ultrasound Program was approved by the health authority. That provides more coverage but with one machine each at WMH and BVDH, only one tech can work at a time. To address backlog and deliver a timely service that produces quality scans for all residents, BVDH requires a second ultrasound machine.
Featured: Mike Bovill – Elks Club, Glen Baker – Elks Club, Kelly Ehalt – BV Health Care & Hospital Foundation Chair, Ryan Klaver – Elks Club President, Greg Johnstone – Elks Club